Alea Jacta Est #20

Much has been happening lately, and our many selves needed a little rest. Here below is a piece I wrote on january 2018, just after some blue liaison officers started to get interested in me. It seemed talking to a poet about higher principles gives them a vertigo…! This short piece is pretty much still accurate today… short tempered officers appear to dread any reasonable exchange with me…. and scare me with searches and lockup if my questions make him finish his shift too late…. You see my dear reader, there is such a concept as reasonable force, so why not reasonable defence or reasonable questions or remarks…… especially when an officer makes typo on the dates… And all this sudden wonderful entertainment because I am by nature a protector of the Earth, as it makes sense to me to respect the environment I live in, and it is definitely reasonable to stand and act for it. And most importantly, to live by it, as it is in our actions that we can see the true nature of our intentions. I am my nature, nothing will ever justify anyone coming to take it. Furthermore, It is just as much reasonable to kindly call an “idiot” whoever acts as such.

This piece finishes the 2nd serie of the Raven’s tirade. Thank you for following us, the website will be due an update soon for clearer navigation!


About Benoit Magician Poet and Wordcaster

Professional Magician Artist, Writer and Word-caster, Life enthusiast, Musician at times, Mad man, Natural born entertainer and Speaker, Philosophe at Heart, Truth seeker, Sociable Loner, Nomadic Soul, Lazy Yogi, and Alternate Consciousness dweller...... Finding new potentials is my passion. Life is about expression, and it doesn't mean much if it isn't shared. Namaste
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